Chapter 5

That very scumbag who whenever we were forced to talk would behold me with utter condescension, like I was the one who had my hands all over some fake bitch and my tongue down their throat, not him. I hated it but I couldn't seem to stand up to him and tell him off. Instead, I ran away crying, after telling him we were through.

But that was two years ago. I was over it. Wasn't I?

PHYSICS was right after lunch, fourth block, smack dab in the middle of the day. I slid my book bag under my desk, the second from the front and all the way to the left. Azrael passed by me and sat in the seat behind. I smiled at him then rifled around in my bookbag for my homework.

Other people started filling in, including my cheating ex who, thankfully, sat down on the opposite side of the classroom. It was a little awkward behind peened in by Azrael's friends but it could be worse. They kept out several unsavory people, so I didn't mind.

"Today, class, I..." A maniacal grin twisted her face. "Will be assigning..." The fluorescent lighting reflected off her coke bottle glasses, making flames dance in her eyes. "A project!" She threw her head back and cackled insanely with a spasmodic little dance. She had the likeness of a deranged rabid squirrel, as eleven juniors, five seniors, and a sophomore all simultaneously wet their pants.

"Now." she declared, whipping her meter stick down and stalking around the front of the room. "You will we doing an egg drop. And-" she whirled around and snatched a paper from her desk. "You will have partners. Which I will assign."

I have a groan of defeat and buried my head in my arms. I hated group projects. Even partnership ones.

I sat there wilting in my seat and trying desperately to hide from the world.

"Azrael, you will work with... I'm sorry sweetie, what's your name again?"

A moment of silence and a burning blush, and I realized she was talking to me.

"Me?" I squeaked. "Tha-Thariah."

"Sorry what was that?"

"Thariah," I whispered louder.

"Speak up, I can't hear you dear."

"It's Thariah." The deep voice came from behind me.

As I melted into an oozing puddle of me, I sent a silent thank you to Azrael.

"Thariah, sorry dear. You will be with Azrael." Then Ms. Santillan continued with her proclamations of doom for the rest of the class.

I turned slightly back around to Azrael when my face wasn't quite so pomegranate like.

He gave me a small grin. "Partners in crime?"

I smiled shakily back.

"Partners in crime."

AZRAEL was coming over to work on the egg drop, and I had only just now started on digging out my room from its whirl of dirty laundry.

Most of it was unceremoniously dumped into my hamper and the floor was just beginning to show through-

"Thariah! There's a boy here!" Mom hollered up the stairs. I think she knew about my crush on Azrael because she'd been teasing me about it all morning.

"Coming!" I holler right back.

I began shoving the rest of the clothes in various corners to remain hidden. He probably wouldn't set foot in my room, but I was playing it safe.

My socked feet thump-thumped down the stairs. Azrael was standing awkwardly at the door, being accosted by Winnie, our 98-pound Lab mix. Winnie was sniffing him all over as dogs do, and Azrael was busy pushing Winnie's nose away from certain areas.

"Winnie! Stop!" I scurried over and tried to drag the pooch off our guest.

"It's alright," Azrael laughed. "I'm used to it. Nice shirt, by the way."

Only then did I realize that I was wearing my dad's old shirt that was two sizes too big. If I remember right this was that one that had a hole in the armpit or somewhere.

I flushed red. "Thanks," I mumbled, suddenly very interested in the maroon carpeting I was squishing my feet into.

Mom walked in from the kitchen. "Well, Thariah, get your stuff, and head on down to the basement. Your dad is around here somewhere, and need be he can be assist you two."

She shooed us down the stairs, our arms full of empty milk jugs, bubble wrap, tape, and assorted other useful garbage. I grabbed a pad of paper and a pen, and we set up camp on the old card table that was splattered with paint.

I tapped the pen on the paper and chewed my lip. He was seated across the table, looking at me expectantly.

Nervously, I licked my lips, which had somehow gone incredibly dry.

"So-oo..." My voice cracked in an unattractive high pitched manner. I winced and cleared my throat. What is the matter with me?! I was sitting across from a boy I had kissed only 3 weeks ago, who I have been crushing on since who knows when and my brain decides to derp out on me and forget all of its communicative abilities.

"What's your favorite color?"


"What's your favorite color." He asked again. "I realized that we don't know each other very well, and now we're forced into close quarters to work on a project, so hey, why not seize the opportunity?"

I stared at him, a little stunned. He grinned back. "Okay, what was the question?"

"Favorite color."

"Green. What about you?"

He thought for a second. "Periwinkle."



I made a face at him, and he just laughed.

"It's red actually. Your turn."

"What Hogwarts house are you?"

He kinda blushed a little, and looked down sheepishly, making him look so freaking adorable and attractive it was unfair. "I'm a hufflepuff."

"Really? Me too!" He was a hufflepuff too! I squealed happily in my head. "Everyone says that's the suckiest house and that Hufflepuff is for pansies. But I'm a proud pansy!" I declared, leaping up and putting my hands on my hips.

Azrael jumped up, and struck the same pose. "Huzzah for pansies!"

"Badger's rule!" I stuck my hand up and he proudly high-five it.

Then I realized where I was, who I was with, and what we were doing. My face just seemed to have a love for imitating fire hydrants, because it was red, flaming red. I looked at Azrael, he looked at me.

Then he busted a gut laughing, a deep, hearty laugh, and I joined in.

We sat back down, still laughing, the ice officially broken.

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