On a blind date

I am now in the place, or should I say in the resort, where my mom told me to go for the blind date.

How can she set me up on a blind date when I am already 29 years old? I am older than her when she had my sister.

Is she planning to let me give her another grandchild? Why in the resort?

I was sitting in the corner of the resort where the sea can be seen, as I interlocked both of my hands on the table and observed the sea as it rushed to the shore when I heard the same man asking me "Ma'am, are you ready to order now?" which is the reason I rolled my eyes for the third time because this is the third that he asked me the same question. I answered, "Not yet, I am still waiting for someone," the same question for the third time.

"Parmesan Risotto with Roasted Shrimp and wine for me," I heard a man said, so I looked the voice's direction and saw a handsome man who is dressed in formal attire, which made me want to laugh because we are in a beach resort. He also makes me admire him because he is a tall, handsome man that can make anyone panties fall to their feet, well, except mine; I am the one that fell for him, not my panty. He just made me bite the corner of my lower lip; this man is driving me crazy.

Thank you, mom, for setting me up on a blind date with him.

"How about you?" I heard him asked which is the reason I looked at him with both of my eyebrows raised. "What do you want to eat?" he asked with his handsome smile. Look who said to her mom that she doesn't intend to get married or date someone.

"You," I whispered in my breath; I didn't expect that he will hear it.

"Me?" he asked with his smirk as he licks his lips. I want to kiss that lips. He looks so handsome. How can I act like this at the age of 29? Why am I acting like a girl who is new in this type of thing? I have already dated some people n my past, but heck how I act today.

"I-ah, I mean, can I look at the menu?" I asked as I stick my hand out to wait for the waiter to hand me the menu, and in my peripheral view, I can see the man chuckled as he shakes his head left and right; he looks so handsome in whatever he does.

"The menu is placed in the table," he said as he pointed in front of the table where the menu is placed, which made me picked it with embarrassment as I awkwardly laugh. I just gave him an ugly impression of myself; I look so stupid right now.

"Shrimp Pasta with White Wine Sauce," I said as I gave the menu to the waiter because we no longer need it, we already ordered our foods.

"For drinks, ma'am?" I heard the waiter asked with his smile. I felt guilty about how I treated the waiter earlier, but what can I do? It already happened; I learned my lesson.

"Water and wine," I said to the waiter with my smile just to you know, my way of saying sorry for how I treated him. "Thank you," I said, then he answered me with a nod with his sincere smile; well, it looks sincere for me. I hope it is also for him.

I hid my smile when the man sat in the chair in front.

"I'd like to know what your name is," I said to the man formally; I'd like to change what he thinks about me because earlier I look so stupid, so right now I would like him to think of me as a formal girl who can't be impressed just by any good-looking man that my mom set up with me.

"Amory Wilson," he said, then he stuck his hand out on me, so we both shook hands. His name is familiar, I heard it somewhere, but I guess already forgot about it.

"I am—" before I finish what I am saying, he already talked; that was rude.

"Rosa Canina, right?" what he just asked made me wrinkle my forehead; how did he know my name before I even introduce myself, or did my mom introduce me to him before I even see this man.

"How did you know my name?" I asked with my wrinkled forehead, but my friendly smile didn't disappear from my lips.

"Ahm, your mom introduces you to me when she told me to meet you," he said as he shrugs. Knew it, it is because of my mom again, she is the one who keeps on telling men my name, men who she wants me to date, but nevermind, this man is a catch.

"Thank you for meeting me, and I'm sorry if you were forced by my mom to meet me, but did we meet before?" I said as I bite my lower lip. I felt ashamed of how my mom acted or how my mom told this guy to date me, but I still love it.

"No, this is the first time we meet each other, and it's okay, your mom didn't force me; it is my choice anyway; I just like to meet you," he said with his smile. I don't know him, or what to answer him thankfully the food arrived.

"Let's eat," I said when the waiter put the food in front of us at the table.

"Is it good?" he asked as if he is the one who cooked the good. Is he the chef in here?

"Yes," I answered as I nod at him. "Did you cook this?" I asked as I pointed the food of mine with my fork.

"I didn't," he answered as he shakes his head left and right with his handsome smile.

"Are you a regular here?" I asked because I am curious about how he knew the food that is on the menu.

"I can say I am," he answered as he nods with his smile and wrinkled forehead.


"What why?"

"Why "can you say" but not "yes"?" I asked him because of what he answered when I asked him if he is a regular.

"Actually, I own this resort," he said, which made me swallow the food that is in my mouth without even chewing it properly, so I choked, and he gave me water.

"You do?" I asked because of shock.

"Yes," he said in a way like he was forced to answer me as he nods.

"You're rich."

"So you are."

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