Chapter 3

“Shut up!” Kit snapped at me, and I just arched my eyebrows in return. Later on, I found it funny that he kept on glancing at the mirror. Did he check if he has wrinkles on his face?

So, his age bothered him! “If you say so,” I replied and slumped into my seat while looking outside the window. “Oh look, there’s a 7/11 over there!” I exclaimed when I saw the famous convenience store.

“You haven’t been to a 7/11 store?” Kit asked.

I nodded my head and replied, “My parents won’t allow it.” I pouted my lips as I realized how much I missed in life because of my parent’s paranoia.

“So, you lived like Rapunzel? Locked in a tower with a witch as your guardian?” He asked and I took offense that he had to incorporate the word ‘witch’ every time he would speak.

“Will you please stop using that word while talking to me or about my life?” I glared at the man for obviously having fun at my expense. “I will not allow you to bully me just because you are older than me by ten years!” I warned Kit not to take me lightly. If he had an idea what kind of blood was running on my veins, he wouldn’t dare to even tease me!

“Damn! I’m not bullying anyone here,” he cursed and I knew that he was pissed and wanted to throttle my neck.

“Hah! You are not just a bully but a liar!” I pointed out one of his negative traits and he didn’t like it. Kit suddenly stopped the car on the roadside and scowled at me.

“I’m a liar? Yeah, that’s right. I lied that I needed a housemaid, so get out of my car!” He ordered, and I was taken aback at how angry he was that the veins on his neck became visible. So, he could be scary sometimes too.

“Mister Kit, you’re not being fair! How can you get back at me by using my lifeline?” He knew that I needed a place to stay, and yet, he used it to silence me! I expressed a sigh of frustration as I made up my mind to compromise. “Okay fine, I will no longer mention your age or the fact that you’re already old. My mouth will be forever zipped when it comes to that,” I promised.

“As soon as we get home, let’s draft an agreement about our arrangement.” He proposed that everything should be put into writing and I nodded in agreement.

“Fair enough, but can we go now? You said we will have some sandwiches,” I reminded him about the sandwich. It’s already late and I wasn’t able to eat properly during lunch because I was nervous that my plan to leave unnoticed would go awry. The letter I prepared in advance would save my bodyguard’s life from Father, however, I couldn’t guarantee that my mother wouldn’t hurt Papa as soon as she would be notified about my disappearance. I knew that it was going to be a mess, but I was desperate to leave and to try something new on my own!

Kit didn’t reply and just maneuvered the car towards 7/11 and parked it. “Would you like to eat inside the store or in the car?

I appreciated his effort to ask for my opinion, and it meant a lot to me. I smiled at him and replied, “Where’s the fun in eating our sandwiches inside your small car?” I was just stating a fact without meaning to belittle his car for being cramped.

“I’m sorry if my car isn’t grand as yours, Madame Ariana Madrigal.” Kit replied in an offended voice.

“I didn’t mean to offend you. You know I’m just telling the truth,” I explained and he glared at me.

Determined to stick myself with him, I followed him inside the store and I was enthralled at the colorful displays of snacks and beverages. There were microwavable meals too and I bet that those were delicious. “Do you have a microwave at home?” I asked.

“Yes, why?” He looked confused about why I asked if he has a microwave.

“Buy me those foods,” I pointed to him the boxes of ready to eat food that was on display.

“Seriously?” He asked and when I nodded, it was settled.

“Okay fine. Go there and find a seat, and please don’t do anything mischievous or unacceptable like saving a dead man,” he warned me in a low voice.

“Do you think someone will die here?” I whispered into his ears and I only earned his menacing scowl before he went to the cashier to pay for the things he bought.

“Do you like what you see?” Kit asked when he joined me in the small table.

“Yes, I like it,” I replied and smiled at the man who was kind enough to take me with him when we just met and I would be forever grateful to him because of his kindness.

“Don’t smile when you talk to me,” Kit ordered and I was confused. What’s wrong with the way I smile? Perhaps, something was stuck between my teeth so I immediately covered my mouth with one of my hands, and used the tip of my tongue to check the situation inside my mouth.

I frowned at Kit for complaining about my smile. “Well, I don’t mind seeing you smile while talking to me,” I told him and his eyes shot daggers at me. I looked away and started to eat the sandwich. “Is your house big? How many persons live there?” I started to ask about his living situation because as his future housemaid, it would be alarming and uncomfortable if it’s going to be just the two of us.

“You’ll see it when we get there, are you done eating?” Kit asked even if it was obvious that I just took a break from eating to drink some water.

“Are you usually like this? Difficult and grumpy?” I asked when the scowl on his face was just there like it was permanent. “You look better when you smile, Mister Kit.

“Liar,” he said, and I wondered why he refused to believe me.

“I’m not lying! You’re indeed cute when you smile!” Oops, I did it again! I scolded myself for continuously speaking without thinking twice. Kit must have assumed that I have a crush on him!

“Who’s cute?” He queried.

“You,” I replied, and he stared at me like I’ve gone crazy. I just complimented him, and the least he could do was to thank me. I said nothing to displease him, I believe.

Next chapter