Last Day With You


"Ava, you need this surgery," I rolled my eyes as I looked at his cute baby face.

"No, I don't need this surgery, Dr. Reed." He sighed heavily. I chuckled at his silliness.

"It's Sean," He said as if he was running out of patience on me. Well, we were friends since grade school, and turns out that he suddenly became my Doctor, After so many years of not talking with each other ever since he got off to his med school and stuff. I don't know, and I don't care.

"I'm leaving, okay?" I sighed as I got out of my hospital bed that I was lying around for weeks and do nothing makes me sicker, and crazy too. I looked at him, trying not to get annoyed by him. He was sitting at the side of my bed while looking at me like I'm someone who's dying bitch if I won't agree to this stupid surgery.

"No, you are not leaving this hospital!" My eyes got widened in shock, looking at him in disbelief. I've never thought that he would do that. It was a big shock to a little boy who used to pee on his pants back then.

"Are you yelling at me, Dr. Sean Reed?" I asked while glaring my eyes out at him. He chuckled and suddenly stopped moving to look at me again, properly, I guess? Am I that pretty?

"I am not, Amanda Vanessa Carson." He said as he shows off his cute smile. Shame on him that he didn't ask me out, huh? I just rolled my eyes at him. He knew that I hate my name! I don't get why they gave me that stupid name. I'm a rockstar!

"Why don't you date someone, Sean?" I asked him out of curiosity with a hint of mocking him, of course. I mean, he got everything he wanted, and I've heard from the nurses that he's still single. He got the looks, the title, wealth, etc., "Come on, you're not getting any younger!" I joked, pushing him to tell me some stories. He suddenly stood up as he leaned closer to my freaking face, which makes me gulped my saliva. Just eww!

"FYI, I already liking someone." My mouth automatically formed an 'O' because of what he just said. Am I missing something?

I was about to tease him when someone suddenly yelled outside of my room. Unfortunately, my room door was wide open, and it shows the man in a wheelchair who's wearing a patient's gown and a cute beanie. He's cute. He was the guy next to mine.

"Who is he? I haven't seen him here," I unconsciously said, which made Sean laughed.

"You never cared about someone even for me." He looked at me weirdly as he smiled as if he was amazed at what I've said.

"What?" I asked, annoyed by his stupid imaginations.

He just shook his head as he crossed his arms and looked again at the mad man and the nurse who was trying to calm him, "That's Alexander Cohen, same case as you." I winced. What a poor guy, poor us.

"So, we're on the same page here, huh? I see," I commented as we face each other again, "Go see your patients as I do my things here. See you around, Sean." I tapped his shoulders as I smiled at him, remembering of him asking it for a long time ago.

"Okay..." He stared at my face for about minutes until he decided to let go by looking at the other side as he let out big sighs. He looked at me again in my eyes, "Take care now, Ava."

With that, he walked out calmly as he approached the man who's in a wheelchair. I watched him talked to him, and the man only nods as Sean walked to the handles of his wheelchair, but before Sean even pushed, the man glanced at me for like a second as he looked in front of him again.

"Weird," I shook my head as I walked to my things and started to pack up my things again. I've been packing for days! Sean is just the man who always gets in my way whenever he has chances.

I have already booked my ticket for my mini cruise ship trip for tomorrow morning. I'm just glad that I'm not broke as hell because I'm living my life from now on. I don't want a surgery that will only kill me instantly. I need to make the most of it. I'm still young, who doesn't even have a family on its own. I don't even have a boyfriend. I am so pathetic and a lonely loser bitch who's dying.

And thank you for that.

I texted my sister, who's now freaking out by the way, after I told her about leaving the hospital.

"Stop calling, do your babies. Geez," I annoyingly said after answering her call for the nth time. She's just nonstop! I wonder why her husband married her and not me. Oh, of course, I know why! I have a tumor that was about to kill me soon!

"If you don't want to stay at the hospital! Just go home with us!" I could feel the anger that was about to consume her in a minute or two.

"Sure, I'll go home... next year!" I laughed deviously, making her be pissed even more.

"You're already dead before you get home! Stop being an ass, Amanda Vanessa Carson!" I quickly move my phone away because she shouted at my freaking eardrums!

"Oh, you're wrong! I'm going to die because of your yelling voice, which can cost my hearing to be disabled!" I shouted back as I ended the phone call right away and immediately turned it off. Annoying sister!

I rolled my eyes as I get my things and started to walked in the line of people who's about to get in on the freaking beautiful cruise ship!

"Guess who's going on a cruise ship trip, baby!" I excitedly said while roaming my eyes around, starting to imagine things inside of it.

The tall man suddenly turned around and looked at me with his perfect smirking lips. He's hot and familiar.

"I guess we are."

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