The Secret Game Of Love


1.49k words

1 chapters



Table of Contents


Loving both young women to reach his dream of becoming a Billionaire and a Spy. Will he redeem his soul as a payout for scheming the secret game of love?

Marco Fernando's humble beginning came with such an innocent guy that his ambition to study in the city. Poverty befalls his family that he found the rigors of life, and accept the system wherein he succumbed to the evil ways of mankind, to reach his goals in life.

He used his manipulative character to find easy money and influence Danielle Gustilo. He used Ayah Isabel Gonzales and Danielle Gustilo to finish his college course. Likewise, he used his best friend Edward, as a refuge wherever, problems occurred. He cannot fathom the love for Ayah Isabel Gonzales and Danielle Gustilo that when an incident occurred to the Gonzales Family while celebrating their marriage, his feeling turned to change and responsibility engulfed his ever-changing character.

He decided to live in Manila with Ayah Isabel Gonzales while discovering the place in which, molded his

Last Updated: Chapter

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