You Kissed My Soul


114.68k words

60 chapters



Table of Contents


"Is there even a type of grin?" he asked
"Yes there is. And you just gave me a coquettish grin" I kept my point. Running through the dark jungle she made sure to look back for any traces of anyone following her but then something big jumped over her and she stopped in her tracks as she took in deep breaths to calm down her racing heart from all that running.
The brown wolf with a bloodied face and a torn ear looked back at her and snarled at her before it turned around and ran deeper into the woods out of her sight. She took a breath of relief as she thought the wild animal went away probably scared from her but then a low growl was heard from behind her as she grew alarmed and slowly turned around only to meet a wolf twice the size of the previous one, staring at her.



Beeram Sampathreddy

good nice novel

2023/6/7 Reply

Hi, it's beautiful I'm sorry to bother, I have an offer related to writing story and I'd like to talk about it. If you are interested, you can reach me on insta: ods.apa or message me at leonandre880 (at) g m a i l (dot) com Thanks.

2023/1/17 Reply

Tamara Simmons

Chapter 17 was really thrilling yet scary. i wonder how she will act?

2021/11/26 Reply

Kakon Roy

wow ..nice

2021/7/17 Reply

Anskie Dela Fuente


2021/7/17 Reply

Anskie Dela Fuente


2021/7/17 Reply

Lhianna Vien Mangubat


2021/7/17 Reply

Onkemetse Gontse

So fascinating, I enjoy reading due to this book. Wel crafted

2021/7/15 Reply

Jobert C


2021/7/14 Reply



2021/7/10 Reply