I just leave the office towards the restaurant and confess almost give up, yet I stayed in the car looking at the phone and remembering Valentina cooking with my grandmother and laughing. But I needed to face my past at once and that's what I was going to do. And when I walked in, she was waiting for me and gave a beautiful smile. It was a friendly dinner. She told of her travels, Paris to Greece. Everywhere she went, where she left to go, where she thought of me and when she counted, I stayed her every gesture, how important it was in my life, how much we lived together, how our vacations, our travels. And she's still so pretty, so smiling,

I thought you weren't coming, Enzo.

"After everything that's happened, we're still trying to keep in touch, but you're just gone.

"I thought it best and your family is very difficult for your mother. She didn't want you single.

"She doesn't want to; she doesn't have to. But I see you're doing very well.

"Yes, I am accomplished. I was able to carry out my projects, but I missed you. I heard you got married. I knew she'd ask.

"It was so fast; I took my family by surprise. That's not how they wanted it to be a surprise.

"And how did your parents react?

"They fought and walked away.

"Yes, I see you're also really enjoying married life, and you've changed a lot.

I keep looking at her as she talks and I realized that she came back very quickly when I heard about the wedding, I found it strange. I still looked at her again and gave her a kind of dull smile. And looking at my phone, there were a lot of calls and messages from Valentina. And the last one was in half an hour.

"We could go out dancing, what do you think kill the longing? When we got lost in the little bar and the ballad, I'd love it. Back in that little bar, where it's our favorite, what do you think?

Olhei para o telefone novamente. E eu vi uma mensagem, seus telefonemas, eu não podia fazer isso. Eu balancei a cabeça dele novamente, e pela primeira vez na minha vida, eu disse a ela: "Não" por causa de outra pessoa. Essa era a verdade. Olhei para ela novamente, disse:

"Não vou conseguir. Tenho um compromisso, mas outro dia quem sabe.

Saí mais rápido, paguei a conta e a deixei no hotel. E saí de casa de novo. Eu tinha que chegar em casa o mais rápido possível e ver o que aconteceu, Valentina, e por que ela me ligaria tantas vezes? E mande uma mensagem. Achei estranho. Algo aconteceu com ela. Cheguei em casa, nervosa, com raiva. E desesperada e quando corri, abri a porta e fiquei com medo.

Ela preparou todo um jantar à luz de velas com flores e o melhor vinho. Eu nunca imaginei que ela faria isso, e eu ainda estou bravo com ela à tarde. Eu sou muito grosso.

Eu não acreditava; Olho de novo e vejo o bolo na mesa como sobremesa e ela preparou tudo com carinho. Sentei-me sem acreditar que ela tinha feito isso e ainda comi o pedaço de bolo e balancei a cabeça sem acreditar que eu o tinha jogado fora em Cecília.

Comi o bolo e andei olhando pela cidade e senti que precisava pedir desculpas a ela e depois de tanto tempo e amizade. Preparei-me e aconcheguei-me em sua cama a abracei dizendo que cheguei e agradecendo pelo jantar.


I woke up in the morning, heard the noise in the kitchen, and when I heard my cell phone waking up, I moved into bed. I noticed that he slept stuck in me all night and when I looked at the bed all messed up next to him. I shook my head, and I knew it. Because he got drunk and went to lying down, I pretended, he doesn't see. And when I woke up in the morning, I heard the noise in the kitchen, the smell of coffee and a hell of a mess.

I went to the bathroom, did my personal hygiene, took care of myself, put on my suit. I fixed my pencil skirt on the body, putting the transparent stocking and the white blouse to match the wine suit. I let go of my hair and left the room smiling. And I went towards the kitchen and seemed happy, it seemed accomplished. I smiled, as I approached the door, I put my hand around my waist, and I said:

"Seriously, you're making a mess in the kitchen early on.

"I'm preparing a breakfast for you, and after all I need to repay you for dinner. If I'd known you'd prepared dinner, I'd come home.

"I called you, texted you, but you didn't want to answer. I thought you were in good company.

"But I didn't know the next time you let me know that I'm going to attend.

"There won't be next time, just so you know. Enzo, I did it because I realized you were upset, that's all.

"But come on, I hope you like it, I prepared for you special.

I sat down, he put a cup of coffee. And a glass of orange juice and I look at the cake. I saw that he had already ate cake and I smiled.

"What did you think of the taste of the cake? Looking at the cake he laughed.

" I think you'll have to do another one like this, I'll try better, because this one could not taste, know if it was tasty, you know, right?

" I understand that you, greedy that you ate half the cake and have the courage to say to me that you did not give to know the taste and this.

"So you make another one, I'll wait.

I just smiled and he looked so gorgeous only wet hair and I love the smell he exudes by the house my god, I can't fall in love with this man. It was the only thing I thought about at that moment and I laughed and he swallowed the last piece of cake and let go.

"What have I done? Suspicious.

"I must go, I can not be late, my boss and very complaining ... I get up from the table and I still look back and scream, "Leave everything there that I get at lunchtime.

"The maid does this, after all she is paid to clean.

He always wanted to have the last word and still laughed.

" What rude, Enzo.

Let's go before I give up on going with you. He pulls me by the arm and the elevator comes and we laugh at each other. "You got my shirt dirty.

He always wanted to have the last word and still laughed.

"You can't eat, " Enzo?

We went out laughing and he talked about the meeting he was having today. And I walk into the office with him, and we didn't even realize what we were doing and I realized in a kind of atmosphere of romance and bumped into the table and stumbles on the chair and fell dropping the papers to the floor and he falls down and helps him smiling. I still look into his eyes, we get half a mess of feelings and he smiles.

-Are you okay?

"Yes... I'm sorry, but we went in together, we forgot about the others.

"We looked standing there and not understanding why all this, but we had a connection."

He went into his room all red after what happened and Carol came to help me sit down, I was still excising after the look he had given me and I all domed laughing.

"What was Carol? I laugh.

"I won't say anything but look the way you see it.

And I looked and everyone looked at me and some said something, and I still turned the computer and continued.

"I see you've been a good friend at night.

"Nothing he didn't go to dinner if he wants to know, and I say more I slept alone you silly.

"You are very much in love, you are letting it show, and you have already arrived together.

"Enough Carol... I forbid you to say anything.

Hours later I was with a lot of papers on the table and still had to choose colors for the showcase, a rush I had not even time to have lunch and looking at his room saw being in the room. And I still see everyone talking and Antunes staring at me and talking to Carol who ran to my desk.

What's the gossip this time, Carol?

"Have you ever seen that there's a woman in his office? Friend I didn't want to say more are laughing and every time she sticks to him and who is this?

"Please, Carol. I get up and i see that the two of you were talking close and I've never seen this woman here. I try to cover it up and she pulls me. "What are you doing?"

- Let's go to the mess hall on the other side.

Of course not. Please, a customer.

When I arrived at the cafeteria I sat down and she brought the coffee and when I turn around I see that everyone looked at me and whispered, I found it strange. And I kept hearing some absurd comments and I look at Carol who brought a piece of cake and sat down and tried to ignore it.

"What's going on here? I ask looking at her who lowered her head. "Let's say at once I just heard Pietro say That I am blatant and still laughed at me staring at me. She raised her face and swallowed the cake. "Come on Carol, what's going on?

"Everyone is commenting on your relationship with the boss and think you’re blatantly giving him a hard time.

I haven't believed it yet; I look again at the table that Pietro was and he says loudly for me to hear.

"And stray is his lover and plays saint.

I couldn't stand up and went to him and approached him and my desire was to throw the glass in his face. But I look at everyone there and just cut out his tongue and the redhead on the side that says it to the other.

- Everybody knows you keep hitting on the boss and he's got a lot of women.

"Blatantly you forgot to tell Priscilla.

"Look here I don't need to give up on it and because we're just professionals. But if I want to, I'm single and it's not your business.

"You're just another one and you see him in the office with another. Spare me Valentina, he'll never want you. You keep offering.

When I look at the office, he really seemed to be getting along with the mystery woman and I get even more nervous, and Carol holds me and I hit the table.

"I don't have to offer myself to anyone, and as for you are a bunch of jealous people. And go to work before they lose their jobs because I’m a gossip.

Carol came out pulling me and Me hearing the malicious comments that anger me and him for rubbing a woman in my face and I felt like screaming that knowing I'm married to him his muggles that anger can't say. It still came out like a horn path used by him.

"Did you see what they said damned?

- There are days when they're making comments about you two and you won't be able to hide for long.

"Ninguém pode conhecer um amigo. Por favor, que ódio eu estou tentando sentar minha mão no rosto daquela puta priscila. Caminhei de um lado para o outro e quando olhei para o quarto dele parecia estar desistindo muito bem com o outro e eu ficando com cicatrizes de, oferecida e uma amante.

"Que ódio!

"Relaxe os amigos e todas as fofocas e saiba que eles iam falar que te odeiam no comum e imagine quando eles descobrem que são casados?

"Nunca diga isso. E quando eles descobrem o que ele está dizendo, não eu.

Eu estava com tanta raiva, sentindo vontade de entrar em seu escritório e terminar a festa e eu vou chegar fundo na minha cadeira e Carol ao meu lado. Respirei forte e Antunes veio e acariciou meus cabelos.

"Relaxe, Valentina, a galera gosta de te atacar. Mas é estranho que vocês se reúnam e depois conversem.

"Não, ele é meu chefe, e por que eu não posso ser amigo dele? Por que somos elegantes? Poupe-me. E para terminar essa conversa eu não sou sua amante ou namorada.

Levantei-me e fui ao banheiro com raiva do que aconteceu e entrei na porta do escritório e olhei para ele com raiva do que eu estava vendo.

"Não vai ficar assim, eu juro...

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