Don Conrado and Cassandra didn't say a word inside the car until Don Conrado and Cassandra arrived at the mansion. They were just at the door near the living room when Don Conrado suddenly slapped Cassandra so hard that Cassandra and her mother were shocked.

"Conrado! Oh God! Why did you slap Cassandra like that! What's going on with you!" - Margarita said as she hugged me to protect my father in case I was hurt again.

"Why don't you ask that your flirtatious daughter, Margarita! She haven't been embarrassed anymore! Your daughter is even worse than the prostitute women! It really in our hacienda's land workers got her pregnant!" - Don Conrado said.

Shock registered on my mother's face when Papa said I was pregnant. But my mother's pity immediately registered.

"Is it true what your Papa said, Sandra? Are you pregnant? My God! Why? Where did we miss your father? Who is the father of the one you are pregnant with, care to tell me Darling?" - Margarita just cried as she hugged me.

"Papa! Mama! I love Miguel and he loves me too. We just love each other, why can't you understand? I'm pregnant Papa! It's the result of our love. He's ready to take responsibility! We want to get married, Papa! Tell me, is that why you don't want to accept the father of my child is because of- .. " - Don Conrado didn't finish me right away because he immediately turned me around and pointed at me as if he hated and hated me.

"Because he's poor! There's no lift in life! He can't give what we can give to you Cassandra! I don't want to tarnish the name of our family! Destroy that you are carrying! I can't accept that!" - Don Conrado said.

"Conrado! We are talking about this life of child! It's a bad omen to god! If you can't accept the father, let's just think of the child! Please!" - Margarita.

"Do you hear what you're saying Papa! My blood and flesh are lying in my womb! Your grandchild! A Montenegro's blood! Where is your conscience Papa ?!" - Cassandra said.

"Go up to your room, Sandra. Let your father calm down first. I'll talk to him okay? Take a break. We'll talk later." - Margarita.

I immediately went upstairs to my room and cried, while my mother talked to my father.

"Conrado! Are you insane?! You want to vanish this unborn child? Our grandchild?! It's against God that you want it to happen! Our family will face karma!" - Margarita.

"And what do you want to happen hah Marga! To live that bastard child in Cassandra's stomach! All right, go for it! But give that child to couples without children! I will not accept that!" - Conrado.

"You're crazy Conrado! Cassandra is not a child anymore, she can take this responsibility. She's a mother now. Let her choose what she wants! She's already grown up woman! Even as a naive child in the world, you're already talking like that! What kind of husband and father you are!" - Margarita.

Don Conrado slap her wife, Margarita because he can't take anymore his madness of what Cassandra did. When I unexpectedly left the room, I was immediately run over by Papa's strong slap on Mama.

"Papa! Are you hurting Mama too! What kind of Father of the Family are you! You don't have a heart! You are a monster! I hate you Papa!" - Cassandra.

My mother cried incessantly as she held the other cheek of her face where Papa slapped her, I immediately hugged my mother to protect my father.

"Abort that Cassandra! I don't want a bastard in my family- ..." - Don Conrado said.

Because it suddenly grabbed his chest and looked like he was having a heart attack. Mama was immediately confused and I was stunned by what happened around me. When I regained consciousness, we rushed Papa to the nearest hospital. When we arrived at the hospital they immediately took care of my father, while my mother cried and cried. I immediately hugged her. My mother cried incessantly and blamed herself for what had happened to Papa.

"What is this going on in our family. My God. I don't know what to do anymore. Forgive me Sandra, if I'm being irresponsible mother to you. It's my fault .." - Margarita.

"I'm sorry, Mama. It's my fault. Miguel and I were in such a hurry. I just love Miguel too much, Mama." - Cassandra sobbed.

"I know. I'm sorry too, Sandra. I hope your boyfriend really take  a responsibility. I'll be even more hurt when I see you hurt because of the love you give so much. Save yourself, Cassandra. Always take care of yourself because there is new life in your womb. " - Margarita immediately hugged me.

And she also left immediately to see the doctor about my father's condition. All I did was cry as I hugged my little baby in my womb.

"I'm sorry my little angel if your Grandpa can't accept you. Let your father and your Grandma love you. I will do everything to protect you especially since your father is not with us." - Cassandra said.

Mama and I immediately went to the small Chapel inside the hospital to pray for my father's condition so that he would be well. It is not Mama's wish to harm our Father of the Family. My father was very upset with the problem I gave to our family. Because my father doesn't want a poor man, he wants me to be able to marry someone who is educated, has finished or has achieved something in life, from a rich family or politician's family. Papa wanted me to marry a businessman or a politician.

I am so thankful that my mother did not abandon me, she was there for me. Mama is the only one I can lean on in this problem I am facing, now Miguel knows that I am pregnant. I also wish above that Papa would accept us and as well as my child who is still in my womb. I hope he doesn't insist on wanting me to abort my own child, because no matter what happens, my decision to raise my child will remain. A few hours later, they put Papa in a private room, and the doctor allowed us to enter. My mother entered the room first and I followed. I saw Dad on oxygen, the doctor said his heart was weak.

"Cassandra? .. come here hija next to me." - Don Conrado sad.

I went to Papa, I couldn't stop crying because of me so he's here, I hugged Papa tightly.

" .. I'm sorry ..." - Cassandra

Papa held my hand and looked at me seriously.

"It's okay, Darling. I would like to tell you something important, Sandra. I'm sorry for what I said about your pregnancy, but I can't accept that father no matter how hard you try. I have decided for you to marry Rafael and he will be the father of your child. Rafael is what I want for you Cassandra, he's the one I want you to marry. " - Don Conrado said.

I, on the other hand, was stunned by what my father said, Rafael was the person who almost raped me and now he is the one I can marry and he still wants to be the father of the one I am pregnant with.

"Conrado, why is it Rafael ?! Are you really crazy? You can't just accept Miguel to be our daughter's husband. Our grandchild's father is still alive for heavenly sake!" - Margarita.

"Shut up Margarita! This is the best way, like what you said  Sandra you want to get married, so be it." - Don Conrado said.

"Papa! It's not possible! My boyfriend is Miguel! He's the only one I love and the father of my child Papa! I don't like Rafael! Please understand me! Rafael almost rape me! Are you insane Papa! You make even worse!" - Cassandra saisd.

"Miguel is nothing! You don't deserve him Cassandra! You're only for Rafael! What future can your boyfriend give to your child? Hah! There's nothing you can do! Weather you like it or not, Cassandra you should only be with Rafael! And you Marga, don't tolerate your daughter! You always tolerate her that's why she's being hard headed!" - Don Conrado said angrily.

My Mama, on the other hand, didn't know what to do so that Papa wouldn't continue what he wanted to happen.

"Conrado, let Cassandra decide for herself! You know what Rafael did to our daughter, then you want to get married there to that man ?! Oh! God! You make getting worse, Conrado!" - Margarita said.

"My decision is final! You're going to marry him right now! To Rafael Hernandez! I've already talked to that young man's parents. And they will visit as soon as possible! Be ready for it!" - Don Conrado said.

"Where do you get the courage to say those things ?! Papa! You're going to let that person take over my child's father ?! My child has a father! You'll regret it what you're doing to me Papa! I swear to god, you will regret of what your doing to me." - Cassandra said.

After Cassandra say that words to his Papa, she immediately go outside, ran and crying.

"Cassandra!" - Margarita.

"Look what you've done, Conrado! You controlling Cassandra's life.. You are stranger to me, your getting worse. I hope you won't regret, what you did to your only daughter." - Margarita said.

I ran go outside, who was almost in tears, I immediately left Papa's room. Why can't he understand me? Miguel and I just love each other. I will go to Miguel, because at these times I need him. I can't afford to lose Miguel. When I arrived at our hacienda, I went straight to the pineapple orchard because I knew Miguel was there.

"Mi ... guel ..." - Cassandra hug his love tightly.

"Why? Sandra? You're out of breath? Shouldn't you be with Don Conrado? Maybe your father's staff will follow you. Is it true that you're pregnant love? Am I going to be a father? How do you feel, love? Are you hungry? Carmela and Nanay Dehlia have prepared some food. " - Miguel said to see the excitement on his face.

"I love you so much Miguel! You are the only man I will love for the rest of my life, until death! Remember that! Yes love, I am pregnant. I left the hospital, Mama accepts this, I only have problems with Papa because he can never accept you." - Cassandra said while hugged her boyfriend at the same time.

" I love you so much Sandra, I'm thankful that even Donya Margarita accepted our relationship. Let it go, Don Conrado's anger will also pass, one day he will also accept our relationship. " - Miguel said.

" Miguel ... Papa want me to marry Rafael as soon as possible, Papa wants Rafael to take over your responsibility as a father to your child. I don't want to marry Miguel! You know what Rafael did to me before. What if Rafael do it again? I don't like what he wants. Even Mama wouldn't let me marry Rafael because she also knew what he did to me before." - Cassandra cried and cried pleading with Miguel.

Miguel, on the other hand, could hardly believe that his girlfriend would marry Rafael and be the father of his child, his mortal enemy to Sandra.

"I will not allow Sandra to marry you to that beast! You understand?! He has even more no right to take away my responsibility as a father to our child! No one can be separated from us! We will make a way for that not to continue! Promise love. As long as the two of us stand firm, we can overcome this problem as well." - Miguel said.

Miguel kissed me on the forehead, and we hugged. Miguel took me to the hut to invite me to eat. His friends and family were there. Miguel with the workers and helpers of Montenegro farm.

"Sandra, I greet you and brother Miguel because I am going to have a nephew or niece. I'm happy for you two." - Carmela said.

" Thank you, Carmela. You're about to have a niece , I'm sure you'll have someone to bullying you every day haha " - Cassandra said.

" Son, I'm happy for you two and Sandra. God bless you. Take care and love each other. You are father now, my grandson. " - Manang Dehlia.

"Yes, Grandma. I promise, I will take care of them and love my family very much. Thank you Grandma." - Miguel.

"Friend! Miss Cassandra congrats. Don't forget me haha, I'm happy for you, Miguel as well as for you Cassandra." - Caloy.

"Thank you very much everyone, Caloy. I will never forget you, I consider you as my brother." - Miguel.

"Let's all eat, maybe my great grandchild is hungry. Haha" - Manang Dehlia.

And we happily shared a small banquet prepared by Grandma Miguel and Carmela for all of us.

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