Chapter 5

“I think he is saying the right thing Arty,” said Barbara silently after a long time when she had stopped sobbing.

“What are you saying Barb? I mean what the fucking hell are you saying? Am I supposed to take revenge from my own sister? We shared the same womb and we were divided from the same embryo. We are connected by blood. After knowing this how could you even say this?” asked Artemis as she wiped away the tears from her face.

“Seeing the fact that you sister has never even been bothered one single time to acknowledge the fact that you are her sister I find no reason whatsoever that you are inclined to do the same thing for her. Then I don’t think that Sir is saying anything wrong. The mere fact that he has taken interest in you in order to tell you to finish the test properly and then he followed you here in order to encourage you to stand up is something which counts a lot. After all, come on Arty, he is a teacher and he is damn handsome, not only that he is smoking hot. Do you want to tell me that you are not even a least bit interested in hearing what he has to say?” asked Barbara as she opened her bottle and took a swig.

“I would be blind to not be able to see that he is not handsome. He is like a sexy demi-god…” said Artemis as she recalled how he was standing there crossing his arms looking at her and speaking to her, giving importance to her in the first place and not Assentia. And this was the first time that it had happened except in the case of her father.

“He would be an idiot not to be able to see you Arty. You are freaking gorgeous, you are damn intelligent and you are a sexy bombshell underneath all those baggy clothes that you wear in order to hide your figure. You have been living in Assentia’s shadow for a pretty long time. Almost whole of your life and now it is time to shed off this layer and for you to emerge. The original you,” said Barbara and Artemis nodded at her.

“You are right Barb…I have stayed hidden too long,” said Artemis as she heard a whistle from the back.

“See guys…it is the nerdy sister of the slutty porn star of our school…hey you! I am talking to you only…..wanna suck our dicks as well?” shouted one of the boys. He was one of the players of the volleyball team and Artemis knew that he was in her class but she had never spoken to any of them and now she was not going to as well.

She touched Barbara’s arm and then nodded at her to come with her so that they could leave the place.

But that did not happen. Artemis sighed slowly as the boys from the team surrounded her and Barbara.

“Come on nerd…what is gonna happen? We are gonna turn you both and your sister into slutty celebrities overnight…don’t ya want to be famous?” asked one of them as they all guffawed and the girls simply stood there with a bored expression on their face.

“What happened? Are you deaf? Dumb as well? Get on your knees,” said one of them as he slapped out his dick and then came closer. Artemis smiled at him and caught hold of his dick slowly with her hand and then grasped his balls below and twisted and churned it as hard as she could without any single effort on her part or exertion on her face. The boy screamed out so loudly that others looked at her shocked and then they all tried rushing together at her with a shout and Barbara kicked them down easily making four of them roll on the ground clutching their innards.

“So tell me guys…you all want to try this again? Want me to become an overnight celebrity by sucking your dicks! Is the correct, no?” asked Artemis as her voice dropped quite a few octaves but still it was well heard by every one of them. And one of the guys who was stealthily coming from the back to take hold of her by surprise did not get that chance since Artemis whirled back all of a sudden and kicked him in the nose square and fair. The bone snapped on his face and he started bleeding from his nose which sprayed down and immediately soaked the t-shirt that he was wearing.

“Next time you pick on someone boys, I think you should pick someone of your own size,” said Artemis as she looked at the rest of the boys who were standing there looking at their teammates who were still looking at them in shock as they could not believe that two girls who had never even lifted their voice or eyes in their entire school life could dare to do this at all. But they did and they were standing there calmly without doing anything at all.

“So anyone else wants to do something as well? Or is that enough display of female empowerment as of now?” asked Luke who was standing behind the boys who jumped up at his voice and then started saying things that they were the ones who started it and all these things but Luke just smirked at them and said,” Girls, do you want to lodge a formal complaint against them regarding sexual harassment?” and just at that everything went silent.

“No Sir. I think that I am going to give them another chance so that they can change their ways. After all they wanted me to become a celebrity but instead they are gonna become the ones who are going to be famous overnight. Tell me Sir, can we get access to the video footage of the CCTV camera for the past few minutes?” asked Artemis as she looked at the cameras mounted above them overhead. Barbara smiled at Artemis and both of them went out of the gym as Luke followed them silently.

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