Chapter Seven

Breanna sat back in her chair and yawned. It had been a frustrating week. She tried avoiding Chase as much as she could without appearing rude, but she was afraid to leave her office in case Phillip decided to step in for another impromptu visit.

She was beginning to feel trapped and she told herself it was stupid. She needed to get out of the office, and she needed to embrace a normal routine. She couldn’t stay locked away forever. Eventually, people would start talking, and she couldn’t afford any gossip. It had been bad enough when she appeared in public pregnant, without a husband, though the large diamond wedding ring she continued to wear assured everyone there was, at least at some point in her life, a Mr. Someone.

Taking a break away from the insanity of inventory lists, she finally decided to leave her office. Cautiously, she opened the door and looked around, but the store was practically deserted. It was only Thursday, and the kids usually didn’t bother with the bookstore until Friday afternoon or Saturday morning, when they suddenly remembered they had a report due on Monday.

Drawing a deep breath, she walked to the coffee shop and smiled at Raquel. She ordered her usual black coffee and cinnamon roll, then went to the table near the window and sat down. She had a strange, almost empty feeling inside, but she had no idea how to explain it. Ever since coming home from California, there was something deep inside that felt…unsatisfied.

In a way, she wondered if it was because she never got the chance to have it out with her husband. She always imagined becoming emotionally strong enough to confront him, to yell and scream at him until he was deaf. There was another part of her, however, a small annoying part she pushed aside, that whispered a sorrow for losing the only man she’d ever loved.

Turning away from the pastry, Breanna looked out the window. The skies were grey, the streets damp with the light dusting of snow, and the clouds looked ominous as they hung low above the buildings. Winter was definitely knocking at their door. Her only wishes were that the weather would hold out until after Isaac’s birthday on Saturday.

Taking a bite of her cinnamon roll, she closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. The past couple of months had been emotionally chaotic. She had spent most nights awake, thinking about Zachary, forcing herself to remember the sorrow and pain he’d caused while fighting to push aside the memories of love and romance. Combined with long hours at the store and Isaac’s continual earaches, she was feeling exhausted and wanted very much to escape the norm for a warmer climate and a little sanity.

“I thought I’d find you here,” a voice said, and Breanna sighed.

She didn’t have to open her eyes to see who was speaking to her. She could smell his aftershave and knew his deep voice anywhere.

“Is there something I can help you find?” she asked, straightening up in her seat and opening her eyes.

“I just came by to tell you goodbye. I was called back to L.A., and I’m leaving tomorrow. Before I left, I wanted to see you one last time.

Phillip took a seat across from her and smiled when Raquel stepped up beside them, asking if he would like anything. Breanna stared at the woman with wide eyes as she took the man’s request then turned to fill it.

“Is something wrong?” he asked with a soft frown.

“What?” Breanna asked, then blushed. “I’m sorry. I leave Raquel to do her own thing with the coffee shop, but I wasn’t aware she waited on tables.

“Perhaps she’s trying to make a good impression on her boss.

“Or on you,” Breanna said under her breath.

“Are you busy this afternoon?” Phillip asked, ignoring the woman’s comment.

“I’m working. Why? Did you need something?

“I wanted to take you to lunch, or perhaps an early supper. I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning, and I’m not sure when I’ll see you again.

“You’re not getting me in bed,” Breanna said, then looked up when Raquel returned with his coffee and bagel.

She lowered her eyes and blushed, ignoring the look her worker gave her. Phillip chuckled, thanked the girl, and handed her a fifty-dollar bill, assuring her the change was for her efforts.

“I wasn’t asking you to sleep with me,” he told her once they were alone again. “I don’t have the time necessary to satisfy my appetite. I would just like to take you out. Just to talk. We were friends once. I’d like to see if we could be again.

“That was a long time ago, Zach…Phillip,” she said, lowering her eyes again. “I’m sorry. I guess it’s just…”

“We were identical twins,” he assured her, offering her the excuse she needed. “Even our parents couldn’t tell us apart. It came in handy when one of us didn’t want to take a test in school.

The two were quiet for several moments as they considered their own memories. It had been a difficult time for them both, perhaps in ways that were similar.

“I miss him too,” Phillip said, breaking the tension.

“It’s been four years,” she said in a shaky voice. “I was able to put it all behind me until I got that stupid letter from his lawyer. Now, I can’t seem to get him out of my mind. I think about him every day.

“Do you have any idea how much he loved you? He would have moved heaven and earth for you if you asked him to.

“He seemed to forget his feelings when it came to our wedding night.

“When Jasmin sent your photo to the family, we were all devastated. He saw it when he woke up and it nearly killed him. He couldn’t believe he could ever be so cruel, especially to you. He came to the mansion that afternoon and never left. He was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. In fact, I was surprised he didn’t have one.

“Why did he join AA?

“Because he needed to understand what could drive him to those extremes. He hoped he would find the answers to prevent it from ever happening again.

Phillip paused again, this time pushing his food aside and taking a drink of his coffee. Breanna watched him with interest as he stared into the cup. He looked like he was a million miles away, and she wondered how it would feel to lose her only sibling.

“We received the information from father’s private investigator the day before the accident,” he continued a minute later, then looked up into her eyes. “He purchased a ticket for Vermont for the following day. He wanted to come to you, to convince you he’d changed and beg you to give him another chance.

“Why didn’t he move past me?

“Because love is stronger than passion, and he loved you with all his heart.

Breanna fought the urge to cry as the tears formed in her dark blue eyes. She couldn’t remember the pain of her husband’s assault. She could only remember what he had been like, the love and tenderness he showed her.

“Come out with me, Bree, please?” he asked, watching the tears fall down her cheeks. “I just want to be with you before I have to leave.

Breanna nodded her head but didn’t answer.

“Tell me where you live, and I’ll pick you up.

“No,” she said, wiping her eyes on a napkin. “I have some things to do after work, so I’ll meet you.

“Are you hiding something from me?” he asked with a frown. “Is there someone else?

“Not…exactly. I live with my dad and he’s…protective,” she said, hoping she didn’t sound as unconvincing as she felt. “I don’t want to upset him by having a strange man pull up to the house.

“Alright. I’m staying at the Hidden Village Hotel, you can meet me there. If you want, we can order in and talk, or we can go out.

“The hotel has a really great restaurant. We can eat there if you’d like.

“I’ll arrange a table far enough away from curious ears.

Breanna nodded as she stood up, then felt his warm arms wrap around her waist. She was pulled into a gentle embrace that left her feeling protected and cherished. It was a feeling she always got whenever Zachary hugged her. But this wasn’t her husband. This was his brother. And she had to remind herself Phillip was a womanizing playboy.

“I’ll see you around seven?” Phillip asked her, pulling away just enough to look into her eyes.

“I’ll be there,” she said with a nod, then pulled out of his embrace.

Breanna had to put distance between them. She couldn’t afford to lose herself in the arms of her brother-in-law. No matter how similar he was to her late husband.

The day drug on as she silently began counting the hours until she would be with Phillip again. She had to keep reminding herself he wasn’t Zachary. After all these years, she finally admitted to herself that she missed her husband. Even though they had been more than two thousand miles apart, she always knew he was there. It provided her a sense of calm, but now, she was alone. Her husband was gone forever with no chance of ever returning.

Breanna picked up her phone and dialed her father. She had been putting off telling him about Phillip all week. The last thing she wanted to do was try to explain her feelings for a man who wasn’t her husband but looked exactly like him.

“Hello sweetheart,” Floyd said. “Is anything wrong?

“No, nothing. I was just calling to see what the doctor had to say.

“Well, he’s out of danger and his ears are clear, but he wants to keep him on the antibiotic for a little while longer. He’s hoping to get a jump on the next one.

“What did he say about the tubes?

“He wants to hold off for now. He wants us to use eardrops every night for the next month. Never heard of such a thing. When you were a baby, all they ever did was give you some bubble gum smelling medicine and that was it.

“Times change, Dad,” Breanna said with a smile.

“So, what’s the second reason you called? I know you’re worried about Isaac, but there’s something else. I can hear it in your voice.

Breanna’s smile grew as she looked at the ring she wore on her finger. She had never taken it off, though there were times when she was tempted.

Fortunately, the memories that were associated with the beautiful diamond were happy ones, and it helped provide a link to the man who was now gone.

“Phillip Kendall is in town,” she said softly, pulling herself back to the present. “He stopped by a couple of days ago, and again this afternoon. He’s asked me out for supper and I’ve said yes unless Isaac needs me.

“Isaac is fine, and I’ll get him cleaned up and use the eardrops. You knew your in-laws would show up sooner or later, but I’m curious why you didn’t tell me this before.

“When he stopped by, it was such a shock…he said he wouldn’t be here for long. He came to Vermont on business. I thought he’d be gone by now.

“How do you feel about him being in town?” Floyd asked in a soft voice.

“I’m not sure. We talked a little about Zachary and everything he went through after I left. Somehow, it made the whole thing seem pointless. Phillip told me Zachary was in love with me and was planning on coming here to see me, but he was killed before he could do it.

“Things work out the way destiny intends,” Floyd told her. “But that doesn’t answer my question. How do you feel about him being here?

“I’m not sure, Dad. On one hand, I’m glad he is here. He’s told me more about Zachary’s life after I left, and I can understand more about the man he became. I feel guilty for putting him through so much hell, but I was suffering as much as he was. On the other hand, every time I look at him, I see Zach. I didn’t realize how painful it was not to have him…alive.

“Do you want to go to supper with him?

“Yes…no…oh, Dad, I just don’t know. I’m afraid of what might happen, but I don’t want to be away from him. It’s the same way I felt when Zachary and I started dating. I’m confused, and I don’t know what to do.

“Did you have feelings for him when Zachary was alive?

“No, not really. He was always flirting with me and more than once he propositioned me. He was aggravating, and I couldn’t wait for him to leave whenever he was with us.

“How do you feel about him now?” Floyd asked, causing her to frown.

“He’s changed, somehow,” she answered softly. “He said he thought a lot about his life, after the accident, and what he wanted. He seems calmer, more relaxed, and he’s drinking coffee. I never knew him to drink coffee before. He seems to have grown up a lot since I last saw him.

“Do you have feelings for him, now that he’s here?

Breanna didn’t answer. She was confused and frightened of the feelings she was having for him. The more they talked, the more she thought she was talking with Zachary. Phillip was never an easy person to speak with. He was always teasing her, trying to touch her, and asking her why she didn’t suggest having a threesome with Zachary. But that had changed. He was more like his brother than he ever was before.

“He kissed me,” she said at last. “It felt…good. I almost forgot it was Phillip.

“What if he tries to proposition you again? Will you be strong enough to deny him?

“Yes,” she said flatly. “I’ve only had sex one night, and it was a memory I don’t want to experience again. Kissing and flirting are things that aren’t very…serious, and I know I can hold him off if he tries to go further.

“Then go to supper, sweetheart. Maybe this is what you need to put your husband behind you and move onward. I’ll take care of Isaac, and you can concentrate on setting your emotions in proper order.

“Thanks, Dad. I’m meeting him for supper at the Hidden Village Hotel at seven o’clock. I should be home by nine-thirty.

“Take your time and try to relax. You haven’t been out on a date for a long while. Maybe tonight will be the first for opening the doors to a new future for you.

“We’ll see,” she said with a heavy sigh. “He’s leaving tomorrow, so it will definitely be the last with him.

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